Craig Johnson and Joan Lundahl

Craig Johnson and Joan Lundahl are celebrity instructors who travel the globe teaching workshops, judging, competing and performing. They are 8 time UCWDC  World Champions, 3 time Country Two Step Tour Points Champions, and 5 time UCWDC Crown Points Champions. Craig and Joan are certified journeyman level judges. They teach a wide variety of dances including Country Two Step, West Coast Swing, Nightclub, Cha Cha, Waltz, East Coast Swing, Polka, Triple Two Step and Hustle. Additionally, Joan offers wedding dance lessons and choreography for couples.  They each have over 20 years of teaching experience and have won the prestigious title of "Top Pro" at many regional dance events. Take a private lesson with Craig or Joan to fast track your dancing with personalized instruction for all levels of dancers. 

925-639-5116 Joan
925-639-5216 Craig